October 10 and 11, XAMK University hosts the Hackathon dedicated

October 10 and 11, XAMK University (Kouvola, Finland) hosts the Hackathon dedicated to the Contents for Cross-Cultural Events — C3E International Project

Our students participate in international teams. There are several topics on the Hackathon:

  1. KOUVOLA Theater, visualization in a modern interpretation of Del’arte’s comedy;
  2. Immersive content for new audiences at a Music Festival in Mikkeli;
  3. Movable accommodation for Maritime Festival, Kotka.

Among the speakers of the forum there are SUITD teachers:

All three projects are aimed at attracting young people to cultural events in Finland and Russia. Students are divided into teams, brainstorm and create new content for proposed activities.

From December 9 to December 11, the Second Hackathon will take place at SUITD, aimed at cultural events that take place in St. Petersburg.

The international project Contents for Cross-Cultural Events — C3E is being implemented as part of the Russia-Southeast Finland 2014–2020 Cross-Border Cooperation Program with financial support from the European Union, the Republic of Finland and the Russian Federation.

The partner of the international project Contents for Cross-Cultural Events — C3E is St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.

8 октября 2019

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