Frequently asked questions of participants

Who can participate in the Contest?

Students and graduates of higher education institutions and vocational schools (tertiary and secondary education) aged between 16 and 35.

Can I send sketches instead of photos?

No, you cannot. You have to send photos only of at least three outfits which are ready at the moment of application. Photos are better to be on the white background without any décor.

Can I bring my collection on the registration day and leave it on the site?

Yes, participants have to bring their collections on the registration day in order to have fittings.

Are there any notices for those who are not qualified for the semi-final?

Yes, there are. Everybody who sent an application get a notice at their e-mail address.

Is it allowed to invite my own models?

No, it is not. Models are provided by the Contest organizers only.

Is it allowed to use my own footwear for the collection catwalk show?

If you can match the footwear and your collection well, you can do this. Otherwise, classic style shoes will be provided by the model agency.

When is it necessary to provide the music records?

The music records are provided to the Contest headquarters on the registration day.